Statistics & SPSS
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Click on the links below to access free resources for learning statistics, SPSS, housing economics, housing finance and more.

Glasgow Social Statistics Group (www.gs2g.info)

This webpage provides information on the goals, events, activities and resources of the Glasgow Social Statistics Group, funded by AQMeN (www.aqmen.ac.uk). Contact g@gpryce.com if you would like to be added to the Social Statistics Study Group mailing list to be kept up to date with GSSSG events. Register with the AQMeN website (www.aqmen.ac.uk) to be added to the AQMeN mailing list.


The Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) is led by a team of academics from eight Universities in Scotland. It is a three year project funded jointly by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) as part of the ESRC Quantitative Methods Initiative. The outstanding AQMeN website has a fantastic wealth of resources for learning advanced statistical methods relevant to social science. Check it out!

Introduction to Stata & SPSS

This page provides introductory material for learning Stata and SPSS.

Review of basic maths & stats

For lecture slides and other materials revising basic mathematical and statistical concepts.

Social Science Statistics Module 1: Confidence Intervals & Hypothesis Testing

This page provides links to lecture slides, lab exercises, datasets and other resources for the SSS1 postgraduate training course in quantitative research methods, and for anyone wanting to learn introductory statistics using SPSS.

Social Science Statistics Modeule 2: Regression Diagnostics in SPSS

This page provides links to lecture slides, lab exercises, datasets and other resources for the SSS2 postgraduate training course in quantitative research methods, and for anyone wanting to learn how do advanced regression (i.e. testing regression assumptions, regression diagnostics and solutions) in SPSS.

Advanced Quantitative Issues & Methods

This page provides resources for those wanting to develop their knowledge of quantitative methods beyond basic inference and regression.

Mac School: Housing Finance

This page provides links to lecture slides and reading material on housing finance.

Lecture Slides for SSS2 2011:










L9 Revision

Lecture Notes:

Lab 6 Heteroscedasticity notes, click here.

Lab 6 Answers, click here.

The purpose of the course is to provide a framework for supporting students in the use of quantitative methods in years two, three and four of their PhD.  There is clearly a need to consolidate the skills and techniques learnt in Social Science Statistics training provided in the first year of the 1+3 programme, skills that are quickly lost if not in frequent use. 

The course aims to:

1. develop students’ knowledge of a number of advanced quantitative techniques appropriate to postgraduate research in social science.

2. supplement and enhance the continued support currently provided by supervisors and informal advise offered by the Faculty Methodologist.

3. provide a framework for training in advanced quantitative techniques above and beyond those provided in Social Science Statistics I & II.

4. help students learn how to articulate quantitative issues. The language of statistics can be arcane. It is one thing to understand a statistics lecture, it's another to discuss or write about statistics in one's own words.  Yet this is what PhD students are required to do when they write up their thesis and defend it to an external  examiner.   By encouraging  students to participate in  discussions of statistical issues  and methods on a regular basis we hope to greatly increase their  capacity to articulate and critically evaluate quantitative  methods. 

5. encourage innovation in the application of quantitative methods, facilitate the dissemination of new research ideas and raise the level of enthusiasm for using quantitative methods.

Downloads for AQIM:

  • Course outline (click here)
  • Introduction to AQIM (click here)
  • Lecture 1: Reverse Causation & 2SLS (click here)
  • Lecture 2: Event-History Modelling (click here)

  • L1: Why architects need to listen to Economists (...& visa versa)
  • L2: Invisible Hand or the Emperor’s New Clothes?
  • L3: Why Karl Marx was an Economist.
  • L4: Workers of all nations Unite! Or maybe not...


Climate Change and housing:

Flood Risk and Housing: An International Perspective: This paper surveys the implications of increased flood risk for housing systems across the world. It considers how global warming will affect house prices, insurance, mortgage lending, and migration. The paper also reflects on adaptation strategies and the role of planning.

Inertia in our attitudes towards the environment There has been a huge increase in media coverage of environmental issues, particularly climate change. But is there any evidence that our attitudes or behaviour has changed as a result? Click here to find out.

The Four Fallacies of Flood Risk Research: Should we really be celebrating the sluggish response of house prices to flood risk? Or is the inertia a portent of calamity to come? This paper reviews the housing economics of flood risk, points out the pitfalls and how to avoid them. 

Myopia & Amnesia in Housing Market Responses to Flood Risk: Drawing on the psychology and sociology literatures, this paper constructs a theoretical housing economic model of house price responses to flood risks and climate change. Rational economic man is discarded in favour of myopic and amnesiac consumers.

Other readings:


Ian Deary lectures: pesentation 1 and presentation 2

Course files for SEM:

Click here for Prof Pryce's contact details.

Go to www.geebeejey.co.uk to order Inference and Statistics in SPSS by Gwilym Pryce (GeeBeeJey Publishing).
